
October 27, 2021

The Turning Of Learning

I have been slow to learn,
but learn I have and my world did turn.
It has become that which is right,
as I continue to in God’s light.

words by Thomas Balistreri

October 24, 2021

Reliable Promises - (By Tom Balistreri)

Many break their promises,
despite what they may say.
But the promises of God,
are always yea not nay.

October 23, 2021

Humble Lesson

I confess and have contrition,
I've not been in submission.
I've tried to do things with my hands.
By my strength I've worked to stand.
Thus what I earned I could not afford.
Better to wait upon the Lord.
Who planned success before I began.
Who sought to raise a humble man.

October 19, 2021

His Bounty

We are blessed
by God’s bounty.
We give Him
thanks and praise.

He is holy
and mighty,
and loving
in His ways.

by Thomas Balistreri

October 17, 2021

Jesus Christ The King

He reigns not in socialism,
nor in democracy.
Jesus rules as King,
in power and majesty.

New Every Morning

God’s steadfast love,
never fades away.
His faithfulness and mercy,
is new everyday.

October 16, 2021

The Center Of My Life - (By Thomas Balistreri)

Lord, You're the center of my life.

Your direct my path and show me the light.

You guide me through the dark of night.

You take what's left and make it right.

My desire with each new day,

is to raise my hands and give You praise.

Lord You're wonderful, my God and King.

You are all I need, my everything. 

October 14, 2021

Morning Grace - (By Tom Balistreri)

You give me life
day by day.
You sustain my soul,
and show me the way.

You hear and answer
when I pray.
I thank You for,
Your grace filled display.

October 12, 2021

Psalm 51:10-12 (paraphrased and rhymed)

Lord cast me not from Your presence,
or take the Holy Spirit from me.
Create in me a pure heart,
renew my spirit steadfastly.
Restore to me the joy,
of Your salvation and victory,
Grant me a willing spirit,
oh God to sustain me.

October 10, 2021

Psalm 91:7-12 (Paraphrased and Rhymed)

A thousand may fall at your left side,
ten thousand on your right,
but it shall not come near you,
and you shall behold the sight,

of the reward of the wicked,
who shall reap what they have sown,
but no evil will befall you,
because you have known,

the Lord as your refuge,
The Most High as your own,
His angels shall protect you,
lest you stumble on a stone.

October 9, 2021

Ecclesiastes 5:4 (paraphrased and rhymed)

When to God, you vow a vow,
delay not, from paying now,

or complete, in careless leisure,
for a fool, gives God, no pleasure.

October 8, 2021

I'm Shocked...Shocked!


All Your Trust

Give the Lord,
all of your trust,
with all your heart,
this you must.

For when you do,
just watch and wait,
and He will set
your paths straight.


October 7, 2021

Beholding The Fall

Beholding The Fall
The colors change,
because of the later season.
What remains,
awaits the winds seizing.

It floats and falls,
gently to the ground.
Thoughts arise,
although they're not profound.

As I see,
the results of passing time.
Why trouble me,
these thoughts upon my mind?

It's part of life, I know,
and I wouldn't really care,
if I was referring to the leaves,
but I'm talking about my hair.

October 3, 2021

Clouds Of Witnesses - (By Tom Balistreri)

Great clouds of witnesses,
observe us living life.
They know of our struggle,
to do what is right.

When the battles are all over,
and we're released from all harm,
they will be there to greet us,
with their open arms.