
December 11, 2022

O Come All Ye Faithful

 This is my singing of the classic Christmas Carol,

"O Come All Ye Faithful."

Thank you for listening.

- Tom

December 9, 2022

Fake Future - ( by Tom Balistreri)

Many voices, 
false and fake,
call to a soul, 
to awake.
To promises, 
and possibilities,
that emphasize 
life's frivolities.
But God has given 
promises true,
that lead to life's 
blessings for you.

December 3, 2022

Oh Holy Night

This is my singing of the classic Christmas carol,
"Oh Holy Night."
Thank you for listening.
- Tom

November 20, 2022

With Each New Dawn - (By Tom Balistreri)

With each new dawn I will start
to give God praise with a grateful heart.
His ways too great to understand.
Yet I will trust in His plan.

Lord protect and watch over me.
Provide for my family.
Not by my works am I worthy.
But by the love You have for me.

November 10, 2022

No Thunder - (By Tom Balistreri)

There is no sound in the fall,
no thunder or plop,
no evidence of damage,
except a teardrop.

A soul in sin,
resulting from doing,
feels helpless and broke,
and lay in ruin.

But God will forgive,
restore and renew,
and fill you with love,
with the pure and true.

November 5, 2022

The Eating Season

Here in the United States, November is the beginning of the eating season.
The consuming of a variety of delicious foods begins in full,
until one is almost tempted to moderate their intake of food.
This slight temptation of moderation is almost always ignored.
The desire to continue to gorge oneself is followed in the spirit of good companionship and custom.
Technically the eating begins October 31st.
This is when the large quantities of Halloween candy become available.
Having your own children to go trick or treating brings a large supply of candy into your home.
Now it’s a parent’s duty to make sure children don’t overdo the consumption of candy.
So in the interest of tooth cavity prevention, or not spoiling their appetites for dinner, or
just insuring they don’t eat too much sugar, a parent has no choice but to eat much of this bounty.
You can’t be wasteful. It would be wrong to just throw it out.
And as I learned as a child “There are starving children in the world who would be glad to eat what you have.”
So in the interest of solving world hunger. You must eat the candy. Especially the chocolate.
If you don’t have kids you still have a large supply of candy that you bought to give out to the trick or treaters.
Even though there hasn’t been more than a half dozen kids come to your door on Halloween since 1978, you buy a large supply of your favorite treat in case there was a secret baby boom in your neighborhood.
In the ensuing days at many workplaces there are bowls of candy brought in by fellow co-workers who desire to get rid of it so they don’t overindulge.
Of course you must help them out.
These extra supplies along with your own, help you survive to the big event.
The Super Bowl of eating, 

Thanksgiving Dinner.

This is the big one. The grandaddy meal of the year. One is expected to over indulge at this meal.
It’s a tradition. It’s almost a competition to see who can eat more. The gluttons favorite holiday.
If you are real lucky, you may have to visit in-laws and parents on Thanksgiving.
Each relation outdoing the other in the extravagance of the meal.
This is an evening worth training for. One must not disappoint friends and family.
A good size portion of every dish must be consumed to make your host or hostess feel they are appreciated.
The most amazing thing about the Thanksgiving event, is several hours after eating to the point of feeling you may explode, you’re ready to break out the leftovers for another round.
Now the festivities really pick up.
At schools, in the office, in every institution you can think of, even on battlefields,
holiday parties kick into full gear.

There is food brought in from home. There is food made for parties. 
Special food is prepared at restaurants and grocery stores. Pies, cakes, confections of every kind.
Food is everywhere. And so are you. Dutifully sampling and enjoying all of it.
All this overeating is paying off.
Your stomach has stretched and expanded allowing you to consume larger and larger quantities of food.
And just in time too. For now it’s time for the big holiday meal.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, or Festivus or any other holiday, there is usually a big meal involved.
It’s a sequel to the Thanksgiving meal.
Sequels sometimes can be better than the original. But even if it’s not, it’s still going to be a whale of a meal.
Things begin to wind down slightly at this point. There are still plenty of leftover holiday cakes and pies.
Health clubs begin to run advertisements for all the new years resolutions that people will soon be making.
But before vowing to exercise and eat less there is one more dining extravaganza.
New Years Eve and Day.
Many people choose to end the old year and start the new one by eating and drinking to excess.
In large areas of the northern hemisphere it is customary to ring in the new year with a large meal of pork and sauerkraut.
The pork can also be substituted with kielbasa or if you are so inclined hot dogs. Kosher is available.
Nothing is a more memorable way to start the new year than to have the joyous feeling of gaseous sauerkraut bloat.
So concludes another successful eating season.
Oh there will be little events to remind you of the yearly overindulgence.
Birthday parties, weddings, Valentines Day, Easter, various summer events,
but nothing is quite as momentous as the two months that conclude the year.
So here is to a great eating season.
And may you enjoy preparing for another year.
Tom Balistreri

October 28, 2022

Cheek To Cheek

I've always enjoyed Astaire and Rogers movies. Fred Astaire introduced and sang many songs in their films that became standards.

Here is my rendition of one of them, "Cheek To Cheek." Thanks for listening. Tom

October 9, 2022

This Is The Day/ He Has Made Me Glad /Short Medley

This is a short medley of two classic praise songs I put together.

Many who may have heard these songs before might think of them as Sunday school children's songs.

But they are good songs with lyrics from the Psalms.

I hope you like my version.

Thanks for listening.


September 24, 2022

Holy Holy Holy performed on acoustic guitar and vocals by Tom Balistreri

A song for Sunday.
This is my version of the classic hymn,
"Holy Holy Holy."
Thanks for listening.
Tom Balistreri

September 10, 2022

Come Fly With Me - Tom Balistreri with the Jazz Conspiracy Big Band

 This is from four years ago in December.

I was given the opportunity to sing with The Jazz Conspiracy Big Band at a Christmas dance. It was a fun evening for me. I think I sang a total of six songs.
The video is from the middle of a busy dance that explains the cinematic quality. Anyway here is a look of the performance of the Sinatra song, "Come Fly With Me."

September 5, 2022

Making Music Season 1 Wrap Up And Odds And Ends

This video collage of clips and moments from the previous eight months of my son Michael and I publicly performing music.

Thank you for watching.

September 4, 2022

The Great Feast - (by Tom Balistreri)

Counted among the very least,
God invited me to His feast.
For few rich and great shall cross His door,
He's reserved His best for the weak and poor.

August 20, 2022

Tom and Michael Balistreri Livestream Show for Friday August 19th 2022

 This is the VOD for the livestream my son and I did the other night.

We play a couple Beatle songs. One by the Everly Brothers. A Dylan song and a George Harrison number.

I hope you enjoy our musical interpretations and performance.

Thank you.


August 12, 2022

My Fort Of Refuge (based on Psalm 59:16)

From morning until night,
I will sing of God’s might.
His steadfast loving ways.
 A fort of refuge in our days.

August 6, 2022

An upcoming show. Michael and Tom live at Steamworks Creative Tuesday August 9th.

 Michael and I will be performing music on "Spirit Station"

This Tuesday August 9th at 7pm.
You can watch on Facebook at:
or if you are so inclined you can go there at:
4967 Route 8, Suite 6,
Gibsonia, PA,
United States, Pennsylvania
and see us live and in person.
Pastor Greg Spencer hosts this gathering at:
Steamworks Creative, which is a venue specifically designed for one to sit and listen to live music.
So please joins us there, or on the internet (Facebook) 7pm this Tuesday.

August 4, 2022

"In My Dreams" a song by Tom Balistreri performed live at Speal's Tavern.

 Tom Balistreri and his son Michael perform the original song "in My Dreams" live at historic Speal's Tavern.

Video taken by Dan Speal.

Thank you.

July 30, 2022

"Blue Moon" The classic standard song performed on The Balistreri Livestream July 29th 2022

 Blue Moon has been performed for decades and decades by countless performers. Now father and son, Tom and Michael Balistreri perform the song live on their livestream program.

July 28, 2022

Man Mule Sweeny the legendary Hannies song performed by Michael Balistreri, George Harris and Tom.

 With son on lead guitar and my good friend George Harris on drums we perform the Hannies song about a legendary character that roamed the country during the time of the great dust bowl out west, "Man Mule Sweeny".

July 10, 2022

Completion In God - (by Tom Balistreri)

The soul is empty,
an incomplete.
Without Your presence,
and love so sweet.

For one lacks sense,
nor can understand,
their place in life,
without God's hand.

June 28, 2022

4 am singing. "Just The Way You Look Tonight" Caraoke Karaoke

 4 am driving home from work I decided to sing a song.

It's not a well lit video. There's not a lot of light at 4am. But the city does provide moments where you can see me. Anyway here I am belting out "Just The Way You Look Tonight." Thanks for putting up with me. 🙂

June 9, 2022

"Goodnight My Love" a classic love song from 1956. My son Michael and I perform here our version.

 "Goodnight My Love" is a classic love song performed by Jessie Belvin and a #7 hit back in 1956.

My son Michael and I perform here our version of this oldie but goodie.

June 5, 2022

Beyond The Veil - (by Tom Balistreri)

Beyond the veil,
behind the screen,
lies life and wonders,
not yet seen.

There is love,
and great rewards,
in the world to come,
from the Lord.

May 28, 2022

Mystery Train - The classic rockabilly song made famous by Elvis. Performed by Thomas and Michael B.

 "Mystery Train" is a song written and recorded by American blues musician Junior Parker in 1953. Originally performed in the style of a Memphis blues or rhythm and blues tune, it was inspired by earlier songs and later became a popular rockabilly song, as first covered by Elvis Presley, now by father and son Thomas and Michael Balistreri.


May 22, 2022

The Lady Is A Tramp - A cover of a Frank Sinatra standard performed by Thomas and Michael B.

 My son and I perform our version of the classic standard song made famous by Frank Sinatra and many others,

"The Lady Is a Tramp."

May 19, 2022

You Asked Me To

 Tom and Michael Balistreri perform their version of the classic Waylon Jennings song.

May 15, 2022

It Moves Slowly - (By Tom Balistreri)

Life's trials seem to move slowly.
One grows weary as they pass.
But our lives are but moment,
and not long do they last.

The tests that one goes through,
we endure and not succumb.
But they are not worthy,
compared to the glory that's to come.

May 14, 2022

Why Did No One Tell Me?

 At my age, when I stand in front of a mirror primping or combing my hair, I'm not trying to make myself look attractive or handsome,

I'm just trying to make myself not look disgusting.

This morning I accidentally wore my reading glasses into the bathroom instead of my regular glasses.

To my surprise I saw two hairs growing out of my earlobe that were at least 2 inches long. They were even curling!

Why didn't anybody tell me! Do people enjoy seeing me look like a human insect with antenna coming out of the sides of my head.

And why does hair grow there anyway?

There's plenty of room and empty space on the top of my head where hair could grow. I wish it would feel free to do that.

Anyway if anyone ever sees anything like that happening on me please feel free to tell me about it.

I'd rather be slightly embarrassed and fix the problem than walk around looking like some unkempt freak.

From now on when I appear on video as a public service there will be no close-ups.

You Know Best - (By Thomas Balistreri)

I know You hear my every word.
You know deeds to come,
and what has occurred.

Even when my prayers seem deferred,
You give the best,
not what I preferred.

May 3, 2022

What Profit A Man? - (by Tom Balistreri)

To gain the world,
but to lose one’s soul,
has no profit,
down in Sheol.
To possess earthly kingdoms,
moments in history,
then a life of regret,
for eternity.

April 28, 2022

" Usable Footage" Making Music with Tom and Michael episode #5

Here is our long delayed episode 5 of "Making Music with Tom and Michael."
It is only a 4 minute 4 second video.  We do present one original song of mine, performed live at Speal's Tavern.
So I hope you enjoy this little diversion from the bad news internet.

#music #acoustic #guitar #original #song

April 25, 2022

I Run The Race - (By Tom Balistreri)

I run the race,
in the faith,
God grants me power,
in His grace.

Not in my haste,
but by His pace,
I will arrive,
at that Holy Place.

April 12, 2022

In Trusted Hands - (by Tom Balistreri)

In uncertainty,
I must believe,
in faith and trust,
what I can not see.

Although I may
not understand,
I am held,
in God’s hand.

April 10, 2022

It's The Middle by The Hannies performed by Tom and Michael Balistreri.

 This is my son and I performing a song by The Hannies

(which I cowrote with George Harris )

called "It's The Middle."

This is from our live stream the other night.

Thanks for watching.

March 25, 2022

A Facebook Livestream March 24 2022


Our Facebook Livestream for Thursday March 24 2022. 
Tom and Michael Balistreri play guitars, sing and entertain.

March 24, 2022

I Cling To Thee - (by Tom Balistreri)

With heart and soul,
I cling to thee.
You free the chains,
that burden me.

You open eyes,
so I may see.
You turn defeat,
to victory.

March 22, 2022

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime - on acoustic guitar and vocal

 As an old Italian Crooner I thought it appropriate that I perform a great Dean Martin song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

It really is a nice song. And if I don't do it who will? (At least around here.) And to add to the authenticity of being old I recorded this soon after waking up this morning. Thus the early Walter Brennan look. Anyway here is my rendition.

March 16, 2022

Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye.

 This is from a couple of months ago at Speal's Tavern. 

Also featured in an episode of "Making Music" with Tom and Michael.

This is our version of the classic love ballad, "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye."

February 28, 2022

Making Music with Tom and Michael (Episode 4)

 In this episode Tom and Michael perform and Original song and a classic Steve Goodman song.

Thank you for watching.

February 13, 2022

Mystery Train

 This is the song, "Mystery Train" that my son Michael and I performed to open our 4 song set the other night.

Thank you for watching.

Tom and Michael

January 30, 2022

"Saying I Love You In A Song" - Making Music Episode 3

 A shorter video this week. I work mostly alone due to the weather.

But I manage to perform one song.

Thanks for watching.


The song starts at the 2:44 mark on the video.

January 25, 2022

An Open Stage Performance (Making Music with Tom And Michael Episode 2)

 Our 2nd episode of our Youtube musical reality show is uploaded and ready for your viewing consideration.

We take our act on the road, (at least up the road) for a 4 song performance at an open stage. 

If you want to skip the behind the scenes preparation, you can go to the 5:30 timestamp to see our concert.

Thanks for watching. 

Please "like and subscribe." 

Even if you don't want to.

(just kidding. But it does help.)

Thanks again.

Tom and Michael

January 14, 2022

Making Music with Tom and Michael (Episode 1 "Work In Progress.")

 Join my son and I as we attempt to perfect our musical performance.

It's a reality show. A visual journal of our musical journey.

This weeks' original song is fittingly called, "Work In Progress."

The song starts at 7:21

Thank you for watching.

January 8, 2022

Back Home Again (live version)

 This is a clip from my live stream the other night.

I'm performing a song I wrote called,

"Back Home Again."

Thanks for watching.

Tom Balistreri