
November 21, 2016

Aromatic Variation

The things of the Spirit are aromatic,
giving the soul a sweet breath.
But to unbelievers,
the christian life
has the smell
of death.

November 12, 2016

Flames Of Love

Like tongues of flames
the Holy Spirit came.
Resting upon
those in His name.
Giving strength and power
from God above
and filling each
with divine love.

November 5, 2016

Hyperbole Does Not Apply

It is a certainty,
and not simply
The the way,
the truth,
and the life,
is only found,
Jesus Christ.

September 5, 2016

Removes The Cake

Though sin accumulates
and cakes,
and there seems to be,
no escape,
call on God,
for He does forgive,
and frees souls,
so in peace,
they live.

May 22, 2016

Punctual Saga

If in time,
one remembers
my saga,
life ended not with a period,
but with,
a comma.

March 3, 2016

Stanley The Slushpile

For those of you currently living in winter.
Here is a song I wrote about a lonely and overlooked winter weather character.

February 3, 2016

Morning Praise (based on Psalm 59:16)

I will sing of thy might,
as I awake from the night.
Your love has been my fortress.
A refuge when I'm in distress.

January 5, 2016

Joshua 24:15 (paraphrased and rhymed)

Choose this day whom you will serve,
with who your loyalties reserve,
with light or dark,
have your acord,
but for my house,
we choose the Lord.

January 4, 2016

He Is With You Always

As a Christian you are an adopted child of God.
You are a member of quite an impressive family.
God's gives His Holy Spirit to flow and live in, and through you.
You are never far from the presence of God.
When you pray to God you may have a sense he is listening to you from heaven.
When you finish praying perhaps you feel like He goes about His business and maybe only watches you out of the corner of His eye.
But He has not moved.
He is still beside you, around you, and in you.
We should remember this always and conduct ourselves knowing we are being observed by a loving Father.

January 2, 2016

I Am

God speaks to Moses,
who seeks to understand,
and desires to know God’s name,
God says, “I Am who I Am.”