
January 15, 2021

Blank Heart - (by Tom Balistreri)

Like an unwritten page,
that's left blank.
So is a life,
lived without thanks.

There's an empty space,
that fills in part,
but never grows,
into a full heart.

January 13, 2021

The Works Of Grace - (by Tom Balistreri)

I show my faith,
through my deeds.
But it’s not my works,
that rescue me.

My sins through work,
are not erased.
But I am redeemed
by God’s grace.

January 12, 2021

Surrounded By Madness

Surrounded by madness. 
A world gone insane.
The people are crying.
Expressing their pain.
Yet I look up.
Salvation will come.
I trust in God.
I believe in His Son.

January 10, 2021

Finding The Missing - (by Tom Balistreri)

One walks through life,
accumulating things,
yet still it feels like drifting.

There is an empty space
deep inside.
Something is missing.

Seek for it
and you shall find.
God's love is not hidden.

He comforts all
and completes a life
with the Spirit He has given.

January 9, 2021

Looping Around The Sun

Sixty seconds to a minute.
Sixty minutes to an hour.
Hours turn into days.
Days pass like desert flowers.
Each year a revolution.
Revealing the place where it begun.
Circles never ending,
as they loop around the sun.

January 8, 2021

We Stood On The Edge

Sin took man,
to the edge,
but he was saved by God,
who gave a pledge,

to remove the price,
greater than wealth,
by sacrificing,
the Lord himself.

January 6, 2021

Access To The King - (by Tom Balistreri)

You have access to the King.
The creator of everything.
No special right is required.
Or membership in the admired.

Set aside personal fear.
Our loving God beckons you near.
Hearing each one's request.
Forgiving sin and granting rest.

January 5, 2021

The Prodigal - (by Tom Balistreri)

I set out to live wild and free,
and enjoy life in grandeur.
It did not take long before I found myself,
broken down and poor.

I decided to return home,
and submit to my father’s choice.
To my surprise he welcomed me,
with tears he did rejoice.

January 3, 2021

I Do It For The Love

This is a song of mine I wrote and perform called,
"I Do It For The Love."
I hope you like it.
Thanks for listening.
- Tom

The Winter's Rest - (by Tom Balistreri)

Blankets of snow across the ground.
People struggle to get around.
They dream about warmer times,
imagining warmer climes.
Unaware of nature's rhythm.
The time's purpose, remains hidden.
Failure to see, they are blessed,
and meant to enjoy the winter's rest.

January 2, 2021

The Race In Faith

I shall fight the good fight.
I will keep up the pace.
With faith in God.
I will finish the race.

January 1, 2021

My Soul’s At Rest - (by Tom Balistreri)

My soul's at rest,
my hearts at peace,
my praise to God,
shall never cease.

He is my life,
my everything,
Mighty God,
Lord and King.