
September 22, 2021

Not Frivolous

Once my life was frivolous,
but the Lord has made me chivalrous.
I've turned from living for my rights,
to receiving joy from sacrifice.

September 11, 2021

I Remember

I remember the unafraid,
who chose not to be saved.
But to sacrifice their all,
as a witness to Gods call.

September 8, 2021

Growing From Childhood - (By Tom Balistreri)

As one grows older then they should,
put aside games of childhood.
Lessons have been learned, now to proceed,
to be all God wants you to be.

September 5, 2021

Sixteen Tons

 In honor of Labor Day, and on behalf of all us wage slaves, 

I dedicate this song for all of us who feel we load "Sixteen Tons."

September 4, 2021

Rest Not Relax - (By Tom Balistreri)

To rest in the Lord,
means not relax,
for there is much work to do.
Yet be at peace
as you labor,
to bring out the pure and true.