
March 25, 2022

A Facebook Livestream March 24 2022


Our Facebook Livestream for Thursday March 24 2022. 
Tom and Michael Balistreri play guitars, sing and entertain.

March 24, 2022

I Cling To Thee - (by Tom Balistreri)

With heart and soul,
I cling to thee.
You free the chains,
that burden me.

You open eyes,
so I may see.
You turn defeat,
to victory.

March 22, 2022

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime - on acoustic guitar and vocal

 As an old Italian Crooner I thought it appropriate that I perform a great Dean Martin song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

It really is a nice song. And if I don't do it who will? (At least around here.) And to add to the authenticity of being old I recorded this soon after waking up this morning. Thus the early Walter Brennan look. Anyway here is my rendition.

March 16, 2022

Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye.

 This is from a couple of months ago at Speal's Tavern. 

Also featured in an episode of "Making Music" with Tom and Michael.

This is our version of the classic love ballad, "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye."