
December 20, 2018

Away in A Manger - (sung by tom balistreri)

This is my singing of the traditional Christmas Carol,
"Away In A Manger."
Thank you For listening.
- tom

December 11, 2018

O Holy Night - (sung by tom balistreri)

This is my singing of the classic Christmas carol,
"Oh Holy Night."
Thank you for listening.
- tom

December 5, 2018

What Child Is This? - (sung by tom balistreri)

This is my singing of the classic Christmas carol, 
"What Child Is This?" 
Thank you for listening. 
- tom

August 18, 2018

My Obsession

I seek no sleep,
I need not rest,
my heart and soul,
has become obsessed.

In all I think,
in all I do,
let it draw,
me close to You.

August 14, 2018

Why Moody?

How can one feel moody?
When they’re resting in the Lord.

They have assurance of heaven.
How can they long for more?

July 30, 2018

God's My Island

God's my island hideaway.
He keeps danger far from shore.
He places garlands of hosannas,
around my neck for evermore.

July 29, 2018


One may not appear
as beautiful
or as elegant
and in place.

Yet in Christ,
one is blessed,
and perfect,
and truly full of grace.


July 23, 2018

Understanding It’s Right

Far from my understanding,
are God's ways and commanding.
I may not comprehend,
direction from above,
yet I know it is good,
and based on love.


July 21, 2018

My Perfection

It take little reflection,
to see my lack of perfection.
Yet because of God's sacrifice,
I'm now made perfect in Christ.


July 10, 2018

God Hears You

God hears you when you speak,
whether strong or if you're weak.
You may be a pauper or a king,
rank and possessions mean not a thing.
You have equal access,
much as monk or a priest.
Preacher or a sinner,
all are invited to God's feast.
He listens to prayers of all sincere.
His endless love desires you near.

May 24, 2018

God Hears You

God hears you,
when you speak.
Whether strong,
or if you’re weak.
You can be a pauper,
or you can be a king.
Rank or possessions,
they don’t mean a thing.
You have equal access,
as much as any monk or priest,
preacher or sinner,
all are invited to God’s feast.
He listens to the prayers,
of all who are sincere,
for His love is endless,
and desires to have you near.

May 11, 2018

Lamentations 3:22-23 - (Paraphrased and Rhymed)

The steadfast love,
of the Lord never ceases,
nor come to an end,
but only increases.
Grace from Heaven,
like rain comes pouring.
Behold they are,
new every morning.
Able to overflow,
endless spaciousness,
we humbly proclaim,
great is Your faithfulness.

April 25, 2018

The Crown Of Love (based on Psalm 103:4-6)

The lord gives vindication,
and to the weary rest.
He administers justice,
for all who are oppressed.
He satisfies with good,
and renews youth like eagle's wings.
With steadfast love and mercy,
He crowns you as a king.

April 1, 2018

An Easter Poem

He arose
from the dead.
He conquered darkness,
and it's strife.
He offered all
And eternal life.
Jesus Christ has arisen.
He's alive
and will come again.
He will gather His kingdom.
And forever
He does reign.

March 30, 2018

Isaiah 41:10 (From the English Standard Version) Made Into A Rhyme

Fear not,
for I am with you;
be not dismayed,
for your God I am;
I will strengthen you,
I will help you,
I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand.

All I did to make it rhyme was switch “for I am your God”, to “for your God, I am.”

March 27, 2018

Isaiah 46:4 (Paraphrased And Rhymed)

When you are old,
and your hair is gray,
I will carry you,
showing you the way,
I Am The Lord your God,
whose Word is true,
I will sustain,
and rescue you.

March 23, 2018

Have You Not Heard? (based on Isaiah 40:28 )

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The Lord God the everlasting,
created all with His Word.
He does not faint or grow weary,
all bow to His commanding.
Eternal and unsearchable,
is his understanding.