
May 28, 2022

Mystery Train - The classic rockabilly song made famous by Elvis. Performed by Thomas and Michael B.

 "Mystery Train" is a song written and recorded by American blues musician Junior Parker in 1953. Originally performed in the style of a Memphis blues or rhythm and blues tune, it was inspired by earlier songs and later became a popular rockabilly song, as first covered by Elvis Presley, now by father and son Thomas and Michael Balistreri.


May 22, 2022

The Lady Is A Tramp - A cover of a Frank Sinatra standard performed by Thomas and Michael B.

 My son and I perform our version of the classic standard song made famous by Frank Sinatra and many others,

"The Lady Is a Tramp."

May 19, 2022

You Asked Me To

 Tom and Michael Balistreri perform their version of the classic Waylon Jennings song.

May 15, 2022

It Moves Slowly - (By Tom Balistreri)

Life's trials seem to move slowly.
One grows weary as they pass.
But our lives are but moment,
and not long do they last.

The tests that one goes through,
we endure and not succumb.
But they are not worthy,
compared to the glory that's to come.

May 14, 2022

Why Did No One Tell Me?

 At my age, when I stand in front of a mirror primping or combing my hair, I'm not trying to make myself look attractive or handsome,

I'm just trying to make myself not look disgusting.

This morning I accidentally wore my reading glasses into the bathroom instead of my regular glasses.

To my surprise I saw two hairs growing out of my earlobe that were at least 2 inches long. They were even curling!

Why didn't anybody tell me! Do people enjoy seeing me look like a human insect with antenna coming out of the sides of my head.

And why does hair grow there anyway?

There's plenty of room and empty space on the top of my head where hair could grow. I wish it would feel free to do that.

Anyway if anyone ever sees anything like that happening on me please feel free to tell me about it.

I'd rather be slightly embarrassed and fix the problem than walk around looking like some unkempt freak.

From now on when I appear on video as a public service there will be no close-ups.

You Know Best - (By Thomas Balistreri)

I know You hear my every word.
You know deeds to come,
and what has occurred.

Even when my prayers seem deferred,
You give the best,
not what I preferred.

May 3, 2022

What Profit A Man? - (by Tom Balistreri)

To gain the world,
but to lose one’s soul,
has no profit,
down in Sheol.
To possess earthly kingdoms,
moments in history,
then a life of regret,
for eternity.