
June 29, 2021

Acts Of Mercy

God loves and He blesses me.
He moves in ways I do not see.
He lifts me up and sets me free.
All His acts are mercy.

June 26, 2021

Gold Beneath The Rust (with the Gashouse Band)

 This is a song I wrote and recorded with the Gashouse Band when I was a member back in the late eighties.

I found an old cassette with songs we recorded.

This is not the best copy. There is distortion in parts. But it's the best copy that I have.

It's good to hear the old band, Shirley Dragovich sings and plays guitar. George Kirk Harris on drums. Bob "Crafty" Crafton on steel guitar. James Syfrett on piano. And Steve Derose on lead guitar. I play bass and sing lead.

I forget who played banjo. It could have been any one of these musicians.

The song is called, "Gold Beneath the Rust."

June 25, 2021

Running The Race (based on Hebrews 12:1-3)

Lay aside every weight,
and sin that closely clings,
look to Jesus our faith perfecter,
who endured the crosses sting.
A cloud of witnesses surround us,
observing our running of the race.
Consider all that Christ bore,
so we not hesitate our pace.

June 18, 2021

Enjoy It While You Can

Enjoy it while you can.
It won't always stay.
Embrace it while it's here.
It will go away.

It's the way of things,
that they don't stay the same.
In fact the only constant
in this world is that things change.

You don't often know
when it may go away.
Think of it as though
this is its last day.

Whether today brings you
moments of joy or pain,
Never take for granted
all tomorrows are the same.