Tom Balistreri
September 29, 2020
Tricks Of The Traitor - (by Tom Balistreri)
The evil one will tempt,
his ways are very tricky.
He promises life and health,
but leaves one dead or sickly.
He is is the father of lies,
he kills with deceit.
Turn to Christ for life and truth,
satisfied and complete.
September 28, 2020
The Mythical Myth - (by Tom Balistreri)
To the critic and the cynical
God seems only mythical.
A fact they dismiss
as only a myth.
Yet through the heart in clarity,
one see no disparity.
In faith all things proclaim
the glory in His name.
September 26, 2020
No Retreat - (by Tom Balistreri)
I shall not quit,
nor retreat,
until my work
is complete.
Until I accomplish,
assigned to me,
by my God and King.
September 25, 2020
The Legacy - (a poem by tom balistreri)
Envy not the wicked man,
who seems to have success.
For his life will end in folly,
his death will bring no rest.
The legacy of one's life,
is not accumulated wealth.
But their love of God and others,
and their giving of themself
September 24, 2020
In Anticipation - (by Tom Balistreri)
All creation waits in anticipation
for the coming day of the Lord.
For in that day every tear will be dried,
and all things will be restored.
September 23, 2020
After Your Pattern - (by Tom Balistreri)
Mold me Lord after the pattern,
You desire for me.
Not my will but Yours,
will truly make me free.
September 22, 2020
Hike Through Life - (by Tom Balistreri)
As a walk,
like a hike,
is a journey
through life.
Yet we need not fear,
or from troubles hide,
for as we walk,
God's at our side.
September 21, 2020
Against The Slur - (by Tom Balistreri)
Deceit and lies
may occur.
An accusation,
a ruinous slur.
Stand firm in faith,
against evils schemes.
For the Lord your God,
shall redeem.
September 19, 2020
What I Commit - (by Tom Balistreri)
Despite transgressions I commit,
The Lord is quick to forgive it.
God does not give our sin assent,
but pardons if we do repent.
September 18, 2020
Truly Successful - (by Tom Balistreri)
Many strive to be successful,
but this world will pass.
Seek first the things of God,
to have success that lasts.
September 16, 2020
Effective Living - (By Tom Balistreri)
With much enthusiasm
on display,
many loudly
speak of the way.
But more effective
than speaking boldly,
is to live a life
that is holy.
September 15, 2020
Not Always A Snap - (by Tom Balistreri)
Change not always,
comes in a snap.
One may often slip,
and fall back.
Yet there is steady progress,
and moving forward,
when one's heart,
and life is in The Lord.
September 14, 2020
In The Footsteps - (By Tom Balistreri)
Follow in the footsteps,
of the Lord who leads the path,
He shows the life of love,
in which one finds no wrath.
Behind the world is foolish,
ahead a life of peace,
shedding empty burdens,
and having joy increase.
September 12, 2020
So Generous - (by Tom Balistreri)
Oh Lord,
You are so generous,
many gifts You do bestow.
You gladly forgive debts,
despite how much we owe.
We thank you,
and we praise You,
for the love You freely give.
With You we find salvation,
in You we truly live.
September 11, 2020
No Further Apology - (by Tom Balistreri)
God forgives sin,
from your past,
that weighed upon you heavily.
Although you may,
recall past shame,
He requires no further apology.
September 10, 2020
Seeking Reprieve - (by Tom Balistreri)
Hear me Lord.
Grant me reprieve.
From trials and tests
that deceive.
Remove this burden.
Make pain cease.
restore to me,
Your holy peace.
September 9, 2020
The Living Tree - (By Thomas Balistreri)
Jesus is the living tree.
The branches are those who believe.
Grafted in by faith in Christ.
And growing in the Spirit's light.
September 8, 2020
My Uneven Ways - (by Tom Balistreri)
My ways are uneven.
I desire right but do wrong.
But Your mercy and forgiveness,
restores me and makes strong.
September 7, 2020
God’s Love Flows - (By Tom Balistreri)
God's love and mercy,
flows from his heart.
Redeeming all who desire,
to have a new start.
Old things become new,
sin is forgotten,
because of the work,
of His only begotten.
September 6, 2020
Overwhelming Peace - (by Tom Balistreri)
The trials of life can seem overwhelming.
More than one can stand.
Yet there is peace if one trusts
their life in God’s hand.
September 5, 2020
Let It Be Me
This is just my guitar and I singing the the song, "Let It Be Me." Thanks for listening. - Tom
Guiding My Stride - (by Tom Balistreri)
A new Day begins.
Before me it lies.
What secrets it holds?
What new surprise?
I follow God's lead,
not cause I must,
but because He guides,
with love and trust.
September 4, 2020
Overworked And Weary - (By Tom Balistreri)
Overworked and weary,
life seems like a test,
come to the Lord Jesus,
and He will give you rest.
September 3, 2020
Simply Lush - (By Tom Balistreri)
The blessing of the Lord
can be marvelous and lush,
or as simple as among the noise,
to have a peaceful hush.
September 2, 2020
Desire Of The Flesh (based on Romans 7:15-20)
The desire I have is to do right,
but I struggle with an internal fight,
for I do those very things I hate,
guilt presses in like a heavy weight,
but if I've been renewed and born again,
it's not my spirit but my flesh that sins.
September 1, 2020
Infinite Lord - (by Tom Balistreri)
Your wonders are infinite.
To marvelous for words.
Your mercy is enduring.
You are God and Lord.
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